A Journey With Jacob [Part 5]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 5 in our new 2024 series entitled "Criss-Cross Grace”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What is your earliest childhood memory?

Read: Genesis 48:8-20. Ask God to bless your study.

1. What kinds of experiences tempt you to doubt that God is working out a plan for the world and your life?

2. Why did Jacob cross his hands when blessing Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:14)? Why did Joseph try to stop him?

3. What important role can grandparents, like Jacob, have in blessing the lives of their children and grandchildren?

4. How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob (Genesis 48:15)?

5. In what ways has God been a Shepherd to you? What kind of sheep would God say you have been so far?

6. Have you been to a funeral of someone who finished well? If so, in what ways did they leave a godly legacy? How might you, like Jacob, prepare for your death so as to honour the Lord?