10 | The Decalogue [Part 4]

Pastor Jon Dixon Shares Part 4 of our current 2023 series examining the 10 commandments with a message entitled "Rhythm & Rest".

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What are some rhythms or patterns in your life that bring you joy??

Read Ex. 20:8-11 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. Read Mark 2:23-28. Why were the actions of Jesus' disciples controversial? How did Jesus respond?

  2. Growing up were there things that were ok or not ok to do on Sundays? How about now? What ideas have changed Sunday practices in our culture in your lifetime?

  3. Read Exodus 20:8. What does it mean for something to be holy? Why is the Sabbath to be kept as holy?

  4. Read Genesis 2:2-3. How did God build the rhythm of Sabbath and rest into creation?

  5. Read Deuteronomy 5:12-15. As the command to keep the Sabbath is repeated here for the 2nd generation of Israelites, God reminds them that they were rescued from slavery. The word slavery in Hebrew means work. Is all work bad or evil? What is the difference between good work and bad work?

  6. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. What do these verses tell us about the proper place of work in our lives and relationship with God?

  7. In the sermon we skimmed through the Gospel of Mark to see Jesus rhythm of practicing Sabbath. What do we learn from how he practiced this rhythm?

  8. In Mark 2:27, Jesus said “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” What does this mean?

  9. Where is the rhythm of Sabbath in your life? When are the regular times that you practice Sabbath by stopping and focussing on God?

APPLY: What is one specific change that Exodus 20:8-11 has for your life this week?