Technology & Biblical Integrity [Part 3]
/Pastor Paul Fowler shares Part 3 in our mini series entitled "Avoiding Superficiality on Socials”.
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Reflection & Discussion
Warm-up. Who was your best friend growing up?
Read: Philippians 2:1-11 Ask God to bless your study.
What does it mean to be a friend?
Compare your experience with social media “friendship” to the biblical view of being a friend? [Vs. 3]
In light of John’s admonishment [1 John 4:11] to love one another because God loves us, what are some ways we can show love to one another without being superficial?
Why is unity important as it relates to friendship? [Colossians 3:12-14]
In Paul’s letter to the Philippians he encouraged them to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition,”. How does Christ’s example of humility model “unselfishness”? [vs. 5-11]
Social media is designed for others to look at what each other is doing, where we’ve been, who we are with, what we possess or what’s on our mind, and all the while doing it in isolation. How does “being content with what you have” impact our friendships (in-person & online)? [Hebrews 13:5]
What is Jesus definition of a true friend? [John 15:13-15]
Pray for opportunities to be a friend this week, offering your undivided attention, while away from technology. Then reflect on how this changes your friendships.