The Life of Joseph [Part 2]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 2 in our NEW series entitled "Avoiding the Dangers of Deceit & Despair”.

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Warm-up. What is your favourite winter comfort food?

Read: Genesis 37:26-36. Ask God to bless your study.

1. Read Proverbs 16:9. What does this verse tell us about our plans and the plans of God?

2. The favouritism Jacob displayed created trouble within his family. What might parents do to ensure that they are valuing each child and creating a better atmosphere in the home?

3. If you were in Reuben's position, how would you handle the situation differently?

4. What motivations led to Judah suggesting the sale of Joseph? How do we tend to rationalize actions that might not be morally right?

5. Consider the brothers' decision to deceive their father. How do cover ups usually affect those involved?

6. Share about a time, as a believer, when God made you miserable in your sin? What was the outcome for you?

7. How did Jacob's immense grief and despair to Joseph's supposed death affect his family?

8. What lessons can we learn from Jacob's grief? How can one maintain faith in times of despair?