A Fellowship of Love & Faith

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares a message entitled "A Fellowship of Love & Faith”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. How was your Christmas holidays?

Read: Hebrews 10:19-25. Ask God to bless your study.

1. What has been your experience of family growing up? How does it compare to your experience of church family?

2. What confidence do believers now have as a result of what Christ accomplished at the cross (Hebrews 10:19)? How does Jesus’ blood give us this confidence?

3. What kept worshipers from having the confidence of Hebrews 10:19 before Christ came (see Hebrews 9:9; 10:1-4)?

4. “The house of God” was a Jewish expression for the temple.

What does the author of Hebrews mean by “the house of God” in 10:21 (see Hebrews 3:6)?

5. Which of the three actions (to consider, stir up, and encourage 10:24-25) do you most need to work at?

6. How could someone stir you up to "love and good works"?

7. How would you go about “encouraging” a fellow believer who is drifting from the Lord?

8. What influences do you think tempt modern Christians to give up “meeting together” (Hebrews 10:25)? Why should “the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25) motivate believers to meet together and encourage each other?