Jesus Knows

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares a message entitled "Jesus Knows”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. When have you felt rejected by others?

Read: John 4:1-30. Ask God to bless your study.

1. What are some possible reasons that this woman chose to draw water at noon rather than the cool of the day (John 4:6-7)?

2. Why was it shocking to the disciples that Jesus was speaking with a Samaritan woman (John 4:27)? How does Jesus apparently feel about Samaritans and women?

3. How does the woman of Samaria identify Jesus in each of the following verses - John 4:9,11,19, 29, and why?

4. When Jesus reveals the woman’s immoral life, she tries to change the subject back to “religion” and the dispute between Jews and Samaritans (4:19-20). Why do you think she did this and how is Jesus’ view of worship different from hers (4:21-24)?

5. When Jesus confronts you with sin, do you ever change the subject as the woman did (4:17-20)? When Jesus confronts you, why does he do it, and how does he want you to respond?

6. How did Jesus do evangelism in drawing the Samaritan woman to discover who he is? Who are the “Samaritans” in your world—the people with whom religious people have nothing to do? How can you treat them as Jesus treated this woman so that they might recognize and believe in Christ as well?

7. What does Jesus say about “living water” (John 4:10, 13-14)? What is “living water” (John 7:38-39)? What then does it mean to worship “in Spirit and in truth”? What kinds of things can block a person, or a group, from worshiping in spirit and truth? What can you do to allow Jesus’ living water to well up in you?