A Journey With Jacob [Part 1]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 1 in our new 2024 series entitled "Blessing God’s Way”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. How are you most like your parents?

Read: Genesis 27:1-36. Ask God to bless your study.

1. Chapter 27 starts with the unfolding story of Isaac trying to pass on his blessing to Esau. As the events unfold, we see a divided family. All four people involved in the story are at fault. Identify and discuss the four people, their role and their blame, especially in light of Genesis 25:23.

2. Discuss the concept of 'blessing' as depicted in this chapter. How is it significant and so powerful? Why then could Isaac not have pronounced a new blessing on Esau?

3. God calls us to live justly and righteously but what are some ways that we rationalize and compromise to get our own way?

4. In what ways do people dress up today in disguise so that people will not really see them for who they truly are?

5. Why are we so desperate to be blessed, to be liked? What are some wrong ways we try to get a blessing?

6. How do we receive blessing God’s way? What does the “blessing of Abraham” and Jesus being the eternal firstborn have to do with it (Gen. 12:2; Col. 1:8; Rev. 1:5; Gal. 3:13-14; 1 Jn. 3:1; Hebrews 12:22-23; John 17:22-23)?

7. How, once you’ve received the soul-satisfying blessing of oneness with Jesus, and have become a part of the Church of the Firstborns, are you now better able to truly bless others?