Church Survival Kit

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares a message entitled "Church Survival Kit”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. When confronted, are you a flight or fight person?

Read: Matthew 18:15-20. Ask God to bless your study.

1. There are times when a fellow believer offends us. How does Matthew 18:15-16 instruct us to deal with these situations?

2. What did Jesus tell us to do if, after exhausting all options, a brother or sister does not respond (18:17)?

3. What did Jesus promise in Matt 18:20? How does this help?

4. Jesus talks about forgiveness in 18:22. What is forgiveness? Can forgiveness happen without repentance? What is the relationship between the teaching here in Matthew and the teaching of Jesus in Luke 17:1-4?

5. In Matthew 18:15-17 the word ‘listen’ is used four time. When broaching a sensitive issue how can you listen more effectively?

6. What is the ultimate goal of church discipline (Matt 18:15)?

7. What kinds of things do you think should and should not be matters of church discipline?

8. What is the main point of the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:23-35)?

9. If someone isn’t showing mercy to others, how might that be an indication that they’re not being shaped by the gospel?