Christ's Preeminence [Part 5]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 5 of our 2023 Fall series entitled "Christ’s Preeminence - Priority #One”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. Whats your favourite worship song? Why?

Read: Col 3:15 - 4:1 . Ask God to bless your study.

1. What are the three essential ingredients for a healthy life (v. 15, 16, 17)?

2. In what ways do you find it easy and difficult to do all things in the name of Jesus (v. 17)?

3. Look through the “household code” in 3:18-4:1. How does the Christian attitude to relationships differ from modern cultural views about personal rights?

4. What are some ways the preeminence of Christ over our families should work out practically?

5. What does it mean that our relationship roles (husband/wives; children/parents; bosses/employees) are ultimately accountable to the Lord? How do Paul’s words (vv. 18-25) guide us in this?

6. How would you address the issues of assault and abuse in the home or workplace in light of a passage like this?

7. How do the truths of the gospel inform the commands in this passage (3:15-4:1) and ultimately help us to live them out?

8. Why is our home life so important to our overall mission?

9. What areas of your life are competing with putting Christ firmly in the blank of “_______ “ is my life? What things can you do this week to ensure that Jesus is your life in all things?