Awaiting His Arrival [Part 1]
/Pastor Daniel shares part 1 of our new Awaiting His Arrival series examining what the Bible says about the Last Days. This week’s message is entitled “Sights and Sounds of the End”.
Live Stream of Service, including worship.
Sermon Only
Sermon Outline & Reflection
Download these notes in PDF format.
Sermon Outline
Three Warning Labels
1. WARNING: Interpret Carefully and Contextually
2. WARNING: Don’t Miss Delight in the Details
3. Warning: Beware of Polarization
Three Kinds of Biblical Signs
1. SIGNS Over Time
2. SIGNS Near the End
3. SIGNS At the End
Reflect & Discuss
Warm-up. How have you been coping in this pandemic? Read Revelation 6:1-17. Ask God to bless your study.
Which ‘Warning Label’ could you relate to most and why?
When it comes to the strange sights and sounds in Scripture, why is it important to study such passages carefully with an appreciation for the historical context of the original writer?
Read (and discuss with your online group) Matthew 24:3-44. What signs did Jesus mention? How do you feel about them?
How close to the end would you say we are and why?
To give us hope, God has told us about some of the truths of the Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the world. Many Christians, however, feel fear when they study this subject. Why do you think that is? How can we go from fear to a living hope?
Take time to pray for one another and ask that God will help our church family to have a greater eternal perspective and peace in the midst of these tumultuous times as a result of this study.