Monday Morning Reflections
/There's always a bit of nervousness going back to two services after having fairly full worship gatherings all summer. Will people return to church who perhaps have been away all summer? Did we communicate in all the right places to create excitement? Did we choose the right elements that would connect people to Jesus and each other? And the questions go on and on.
Pastor Daniel preaching
Now on the other side of Sunday, it appears the planning paid off. The band pulled the music together (as they always do) and led well. Our fun "Pastor Rap" invite video to Back To Church Sunday was received well. Pastor Daniel's message on vision was great and the conversations before, between and after the services were fantastic! Not to mention the children's ministries that I'm sure were amazing as always!
Hats off to the 100+ volunteers who serve every week throughout our campus!! YOU ROCK!!
Sweet Hour and Prayer
To top it all off we met in the cafe for fellowship (another word for delicious pies) and prayer at 6:30 culminating with a prayer-walk around the property!
There's a great spirit of unity continuing to grow as we refocus our lives on Jesus and His mission in our community!
I'd love to hear your stories from this past weekend and what God has been teaching you over the past few months at NMBC! Let's keep encouraging one another!
Shout to the North & the South!