Meandering - Overwhelming Creation
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It is so beautiful in the Valley. The signature of God, Creator of heaven and earth, the Master Artist, is evident everywhere you look. As Gina and I have been driving around, prayerfully contemplating where to purchase a house, we are humbled that the Lord would lead us back among great people, in the lovely land of orchards and tides.
Such breath-taking vistas, that are so plentiful in the Valley, point us to God himself. For example, in beholding the grandeur of the hills, the Psalmist was reassured that God would ever be his help and strength. I pray that through the revelation of God in nature this summer, the Lord will wonderfully speak to you of his love and goodness as well.
For me, driving along the mountain ridge, overlooking the tidal waters of Port Williams cresting along the river banks, I recall the words of Samuel Rutherford on the tides of emotion that would continually rise and fall within his heart. Writing from Aberdeen to Lady Boyd, he says: “I have not now, of a long time, found such high spring-tides as formerly. The sea is out, and I cannot buy a wind and cause it to flow again; only I wait on the shore till the Lord sends a full sea.... But even to dream of Him is sweet.” Then, just a page over, to Marion M'Naught: “I am well: honour to God.... I am bank and brim full: a great high spring-tide of the consolations of Christ hath overwhelmed me.”
As you ponder the tidal wonders of God’s creation these halcyon days of summer, remember, as well, that although there are times of low tide, where you feel mired down among the slimy weeds, the Lord’s great love and compassions are new and full every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24). Wait on him, draw close to him (James 4:8), and soon, once again, you too will be ‘bank and brim full’.
“For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also.The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! Psalm 95:3-6
Thanks for meandering along with me,
Pastor Daniel